I've learned from working from home that having a designated workspace is super important for productivity. I achieved the coziest workspace right here in my kitchen! When I sit down, I know it's time to work and I find that I'm quite productive. The steps are really simple and I found a few secrets to save money while working on this fun project... 

add a solid writing surface

I used turned my kitchen table into a great writing space by opting for a large, round table. There are so many choices to choose from so I've linked some of my favorites below. 

find a comfy seat 

nobody can sit on a hard surface for too long and stay comfortable. For me, it's important that I sit somewhere comfy so I don't end up moving and getting distracted. I created a booth like seat using a sectional lounge sofa. It's so spacious and comfortable. You can find my favorites below!

great lighting

we just installed this chandelier in my kitchen and I absolutely love it! Lighting is so important for productivity. In fact, studies show that light tells your body to wake up or wind down depending on the color and brightness! 

don't forget the accents

flowers are an instant mood booster. Grab a vase and add your favorite flowers. For artwork, I have a not so secret pro-tip for you. Find the downloadable print you want on Etsy and print it out to save you a lot of money! Then, just add it to the frame of choice. Lastly, add some pillows to your space for back support. 

So, what do you think? Are you going to give it a shot? Let me know on Instagram @nellamoon 

August 12, 2020 — Arielle Ricci