When I create new candle scents, my ideas generate from memories that are engraved in my mind, and here’s why…

Smell is the first sense to trigger a memory

It all comes back to the adaptations of the human body. It’s so interesting, really. Floral scents could take you back to a memory of being in your grandma's garden as a kid or masculine scents could take you down memory lane to a moment with your ex. This is why certain smells enhance emotion and feelings of nostalgia. 

To explain it scientifically, scents bypass the thalamus and go straight to the center of the brain. This results in a quick bring back of intimate memories and often intense emotion. The most interesting part is that this process happens subconsciously, we don’t know it’s happening. All that we know is that we sense a familiar smell and intense nostalgia or longing for a time, place, or person. 

For example, in the photo above, I remember the smell of the streets of Paris. The cafe's, the food, and the excitement of walking the streets. Now, when I smell something similar, I think of standing under the Eiffel Tower, holding hands with my husband. It brings a nostalgia emotion of adventuring through such a romantic city.

I’m so inspired by this part of human nature as I create new scents of candles. I have created scents that remind me of the first home I ever bought with my husband, beach nights with loved ones, and moments in time that I felt overwhelming love for another person. I try to take these memories and feelings and create candles out of them, light them up whenever I feel, and take a trip back down memory lane. 

I sat down with my friend, Kelly Henderson from the reality show, Very Cavallari, and the Velvet's Edge Podcast. We talked about our journeys and how scent triggers the memory and it's incredibly fascinating. You can listen here! You can check her out on Instagram @velvetsedge

I want to know what smells remind you of memories, people and places! Let me know on Instagram @nellamoon.



June 11, 2020 — Arielle Ricci